The Oyster Bay Historical Society
- Publications Order Form -

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Your Publications Order:
Quantity Publication Unit Price Extension
________ Book: The Walls Have Tongues $35.00 _________
________ Book: Oyster Bay Remembered $24.00 _________
________ Book: An Oyster Songster $17.50 _________
________ Book: The Diary of Mary Cooper $15.00 _________
________ Book: A Walking Tour of Oyster Bay $ 3.95 _________
________ Freeholder: Italian American Experience $ 5.00 _________
________ Freeholder: From Doing to Viewing $ 5.00 _________
________ Freeholder: Art of Oyster Bay $ 5.00 _________
________ Freeholder: Architecture of Oyster Bay $ 5.00 _________
________ Freeholder: Theo. Roosevelt: Rough Rider $ 5.00 _________
________ Freeholder: Upstairs, Downstairs at Oyster Bay $ 5.00 _________
________ Map: 1900 View of Oyster Bay $25.00 _________
________ Map: Gold Coast Estates circa 1920 $17.00 _________
________ Map: 1833 Map of Oyster Bay $10.00 _________
Shipping & Handling: Please enclose $5.00 S&H for the first publication, $1.00 for each additional item, to a maximimum of $10.00. $ 5.00 min _________
Sales Tax: New York State Residents please add 8.25% tax on total excluding S&H. 8.25% NYS _________
Payment: Enclose your check or money order payable to the
Oyster Bay Historical Society
TOTAL _________

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The Oyster Bay Historical Society
PO Box 297
Oyster Bay, NY 11771-0297

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