The Art of Oyster Bay -- Absentee Bid Form

Absentee Bids must be received by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, May 14, 2004 -- the day before the auction.

Absentee bids will be accepted and executed competitively by a member of our staff.  By submitting this form, you agree to allow the Oyster Bay Historical Society to bid as your agent for the items listed. Our staff will execute absentee bids in a competitive manner. In the case of a tie bid with a bidder in attendance at the auction, the bid will go to the bidder in attendance. In the case of a tie bid with another absentee bidder, the bid will go to the earliest bid received.

Payment and Delivery. A valid credit card with expiration date is required even though you plan to pay by another method. Successful bidders will be notified within two (2) business days following the auction. Payment is expected within three (3) business days after being notified. Items not paid for by cash, credit card or bank check will be held until payment clears. Shipping and handling charges will be added.

Conditions.  There are no buyer's premimums or auctioneer's commission. Proceeds of the auction will be used to benefit the Building Fund of the Oyster Bay Historical Society. Purchases are tax-exempt and tax-deductible to the extend allowed by law. Absentee bids of less than $250 will not be accepted. We cannot assume responsibility for failure, errors or omissions in executing your absentee bids. By submitting this form, you agree to our terms.

All Absentee Bidders must be pre-registered.

Please complete the form in full.  If needed, submit another form for additional bids. You may phone in the information to 516-922-5032 or fax it to 516-922-6892.

Paddle  Email address (req'd)
 Name (req'd)
 Company Name
 Address (req'd)
 City (req'd)
State (req'd)      Zip (req'd)

Please provide at least one phone number (req'd):
 Home    Work    Cell
If you are a successful Absentee Bidder, which phone should we call?  Home  Work  Cell
What's the best time to call you?  

Pick-Up/Delivery/Payment Arrangements:
Card Number
Card Type
Expiration (mm/yy)
This form is not secure. You may prefer to provide your credit card information by phone, fax, or piecemeal in several emails.

Description Your Bid (USD)