The Art of Oyster Bay -- Auction List

Artwork Artist Title Media Dimensions Opening Bid
David Byer-tyre: Tom Gall - Cane David Byer-Tyre Tom Gall - Cane Wood sword
w/cloth case
40 X 5 $450.00*
David Carr: Sculling David Carr Sculling Wire sculpture 56 X 28 X 14 $350.00
Dan Christoffel: Mohannes as an Old Man Dan Christoffel Mohannes as an Old Man Terra cotta
not included)
10 X 17 X 9 $900.00*
Dan Christoffel: Mohannes as a Young Man Dan Christoffel Mohannes as a Young Man Terra cotta
14 X 25 X 11 $900.00*
Nan Coffey: Anna Hall Roosevelt Nan Coffey Anna Hall Roosevelt Oil on canvas
16 X 20 $900.00*
Robin Diamond: Theodore Roosevelt as a Young Man Robin Diamond Theodore Roosevelt
as a Young Man
Watercolor 12 X 14 $250.00
Nick Fasciano: Sagamore Hill Nick Fasciano Sagamore Hill Watercolor 20 X 26 $250.00
George Gach: Portugese Family Fishing George Gách Portuguese Family Fishing Oil on canvas 29 X 25 $2,500.00*
Ten Men Fishing George Gách Ten Men Fishing Oil on canvas 41 X 30 $4,000.00*
Artwork Artist Title Media Dimensions Opening Bid
Sandy Garvin: Clouds over Calves' Island Sandy Garvin Clouds Over Calves' Island Oil on canvas 42 X 40 $3,500.00*
CJ Guerin: Inlet to the Cove CJ Guerin Inlet to the Cove Oil on linen 20 X 16 $800.00*
CJ Guerin: Autumn on the Cove CJ Guerin Autumn on the Cove Oil on linen 20 X 16 $800.00*
CJ Guerin: Looking Over Centre Island CJ Guerin Looking Over Centre Island Oil on linen 29 X 23 $1,000.00*
Carol Kingston: Teddy's Boots Carol Kingston Teddy's Boots Conte on
Reeves paper.
16 X 14 $250.00
Carol Kingston: Polo Ponies Carol Kingston Polo Ponies Oil on canvas
35 X 29 $1,200.00*
Laurette Kovary: Hobby Horse Laurette Kovary Hobby Horse Hand-painted
wooden horse
30 X 24 X 11 $250.00
Mort Kunstler: Fourth of July at Cove Neck. Mort Kunstler Fourth of July at Cove Neck Artist's print of oil painting 26 X 18 $200.00
Brook Meinhardt: The Job Wright House -- 1660 Brook Meinhardt The Job Wright House – 1660 Acrylic on canvas 12 X 10 $250.00
Artwork Artist Title Media Dimensions Opening Bid
Robert O'Connor: Yacht Racing in Oyster Bay Robert O'Connor Yacht Racing in Oyster Bay Oil on canvas 25 X 20 $250.00
Susie Peelle: Early Birds Susie Peelle Early Birds Pastel 14 X 14 $200.00
Susie Peelle: Tackle Shop Susie Peelle Tackle Shop Oil on board 18 X 16 $250.00
Patricia Pepe-Clark: The Residence of Mortimer L.Schiff Patricia Pepe-Clark The Residence of Mortimer L. Schiff Acrylic on canvas 30 X 30 $250.00
Franklin Perrell: The Birds' Feast on Beekman Beach Franklin Perrell The Birds' Feast on Beekman Beach Oil on canvas 31 X 25 $500.00*
Virginia Pierrepont: Teddy's Terrier Virginia Pierrepont Teddy's Terrier Oil on canvas 41 X 29 $250.00
Regan Tausch: Keziah's Kiss Regan Tausch Keziah's Kiss Acrylic on canvas 16 X 13 $250.00
Trixie Taylor: Seawanhaka in the '50s Trixie Taylor Seawanhaka in the '50s Oil on canvas 22 X 18 $250.00
Trixie Taylor: Dutch Ship Trixie Taylor Dutch Ship Oil on canvas 17 X 13 $250.00

Notes.  Click on the artwork thumbnails for close-ups and artist's biographies.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) will be sold in a live auction conducted by John Loring after his lecture on the gems of Tiffany. The other items will be sold in a silent auction before Mr. Loring's lecture. Not shown here but included in the live auction: selected Tiffany artifacts and signed Oleg Cassini sketches of Jacqueline Kennedy. Absentee bids may be placed on any item.

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