The Art of Oyster Bay -- Franklin Perrell

The Birds' Feast on Beekman Beach
The Birds' Feast on Beekman Beach
by Franklin Perrell
Oil on canvas: 31 x 25 inches.
(Click image for blowup.)

I do believe that art is a tremendous force for good in the betterment of the world.
-- Franklin Perrell

Franklin PerrellFranklin Hill Perrell's first painting teacher was his aunt, Beatrice Maud Perrell, who graduated from Pratt in the 1920s and later studied with Robert Brackmann at the Art Students' League. Franklin began to paint when he was about eight years old. Art has always been a significant part of his life, and the greater part of his subsequent education.

Franklin prefers to work in oil, and beachfront vistas are a favorite theme. Color and light are his inspirations. When asked if he had any theories on art as a whole, Franklin responded, "I do believe that art is a tremendous force for good in the betterment of the world."

"This project came along at the right time, for it provided the impetus to paint. The painting for this exhibition is called 'The Birds' Feast on Beekman Beach.' It shows shoreline foliage, rocks, and a view toward Centre Island. This was my first painting in approximately fifteen years. The activity of making a painting is all-involving and the numerous decisions of each color or brushstroke at the given moment create great interest to the painter."

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