The Art of Oyster Bay -- Sandy Garvin | |
A native of Old Lyme, Connecticut, Sandy is surrounded by the history of one of the oldest Impressionist Art Colonies in America. The same marshes, rivers and woodlands that inspired the earlier painters also move her to want to capture their beauty and light. One doesn't have to travel far to find another idea for a painting. Born in 1950, Sandy's first "formal" step into the art world was at age 12, when she learned drawing and painting from local artist Bill Steeves. She spent Saturday mornings in his studio for the next three years until high school, when sports took over. There was a long hiatus from art when she pursued another direction in college, then marriage and three children. It has only been in the last ten years that she has been able to commit to this early passion . Several years of study at the Lyme Academy of Fine Art, workshops around the country with artists such as Charles Sovek, Greg Kreutz at the Scottsdale Art School, and Joan Potter in Santa Fe have helped Sandy focus on this wonderful path. There is an intense energy and excitement that flows when a painting starts to evolve - a very compelling force. The growth process is continual, and she looks forward to expressing it in her work with great optimism and joy. She continues to study with contemporary artists in a formal and informal structure. Sandy has exhibited in numerous invitational shows in New England, as well as in private galleries. She is an Elected Artist Member of the Lyme Art Association where she served as co-Artistic Director for the past year following many years of exhibition coordination. She now maintains a studio & gallery in Essex, CT.
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