The Art of Oyster Bay -- Trixie Taylor

Seawanhaka in the '50s
Seawanhaka in the '50s
by Trixie Taylor
Oil on canvas: 22 x 18 inches.
Dutch Ship
Dutch Ship
by Trixie Taylor
Oil on canvas: 17 x 13 inches.
(Click images for blowups.)

Art should say something.
-- Trixie Taylor

Trixie TaylorThough Trixie Taylor has had (according to her) very little formal training, she has been involved in art all her life. She remembers an experience in an after-school art club, "I won a gift certificate from a well-known British shop on Madison Avenue in New York. I had painted an owl wearing a sweater!"

She received an excellent background in the history of art in elementary school , and as she lived near the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she was taken there often as a child. She took a watercolor class with Ruth Baderian and from there she was inspired to "go on her own." Trixie is a firm believer that "Art should say something...I find it takes devotion, discipline, and determination. The reward is loving what I do."

She prefers to work in oil and marine scenes.  Landscapes by the sea are typical of the subject matter portrayed in her paintings. Light, interesting skies, boats and sailing, the sea, and color provide inspiration.

When asked why she wanted to be involved in the exhibition, Trixie responded, "We have done volunteer work for the Society and believe in the value of their work. I wished to capture the allure of a visiting boat on a historic celebration, the nation's 200 year anniversary. The Tall Ships had come to Oyster Bay, I was sailing and I managed to capture the Dutch boat on camera."

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