Exhibit Opens with Lecture by Tiffany's John Loring

The Oyster Bay Historical Society's new Exhibition Irreplaceable Artifacts, featuring significant artifacts from the Society's collections, Tiffany & Co's John Loringlaunches Sunday, November 19, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. with a lecture on the Art of Collecting by John Loring, Tiffany & Co.'s longtime Director of Design. Mr. Loring, who was New York bureau chief for the Architectural Digest before joining Tiffany's in 1979, is the author of more than a dozen books about Tiffany, the man, the store and its style, including Tiffany Jewels, Tiffany Diamonds, Louis Comfort Tiffany at Tiffany & Co., Tiffany Timepieces, Tiffany Flora & Fauna, Tiffany in Fashion, Magnificent Tiffany Silver, Tiffany Pearls, and Tiffany's 20th Century.

Mr. Loring's lecture, at the Oyster Bay Community Center on Church Street, will be followed by a champagne and hors d'oeuvres Reception at the Society's Earle-Wightman House Museum headquarters. The Reception is $25; $20 for members. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund for the Society's much-needed library and collection storage facility. Space is limited. Please call the Society at 516-922-5032 to request your invitation.

Click on the filmstrip below for a slideshow preview of the Irreplaceable Artifacts Exhibit.

Slideshow of selected irreplaceable artifacts.


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