Boulevard Magazine: An Anton Newspapers Section

May 2001

Oyster Bay Historical Society Recaptures Italian Immigrant Experience

By Madeline Bonasia

spacer The Florio's shoe repair shop
Roco Floria and son Angelo 1928 in their shoe repair shop on South Street.  Building no longer exists.
St. Rocco festival
Participants of the procession for the St Rocco Feast of 1931 gather on Audrey Ave. near the present-day post office.
Frank Arata food market.
Frank Arata food market on South St. (circa 1910) was located just south of Nobman's.
LaBella grocery.
La Bella's grocery store on Audrey Ave. next to TravelSavers. Note the Poster for the St. Rocco Feast of 1912 on the right side of the building.

The Oyster Bay Historical Society is working on "The Twentieth Century Heritage Series: The Italian Immigrant Experience in Oyster Bay."

To recreate these times, Director Thomas Kuehhas has audiotaped and videotaped interviews with members of Italian American families who have lived in the Oyster Bay and Glen Cove area for generations.

Multimedia Exhibit

These interviews will become a focal point of a multimedia exhibition at the Historical Society's museum at 20 Summit Street in Oyster Bay.

Included in the series are lectures. roundtable discussions and performances. Special attention will be given to the daily life of Italians living in the area; where they worked, their homes, their culture, traditions, food, music, religious affiliations and political activities.

The series of events will enable Italian Americans to relive their heritage. The exhibition will have photos of many family businesses in the hamlet, the connection of the families in the area, and the celebration of religious feasts in the home, church and community, for example the annual St Rocco Feast held in Oyster Bay.

Events Schedule

Winemaking was an important part of Italian immigrant life. Therefore, a trip to the Banfi Vineyards (Oct. 31) is scheduled to detail the process. To show-case the popular Sunday family dinners, an "Abbondanza" celebration of wine, ethnic food and music will be held on Saturday, Nov. 10.

A round table discussion on "The Rise of the Italian-American Politician" (Oct. 21) will give greater understanding as to the many Italian surnames in town, county and state government. The influence of the Catholic Church on the families of Oyster Bay will be discussed at St Dominic R.C. Church (Nov. 18).

To be a part of this ambitious project: contribute information and/or artifacts, underwrite an event or participate in a scheduled event call (516) 922-5032.

Copyright © Anton Newspapers, May, 2001.

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