Magazine Sampler
The Oyster Bay Historical Society: Preserving Our Past ... Protecting Our Future

The Freeholder, "The History Magazine of the Town of Oyster Bay," is published quarterly by the Oyster Bay Historical Society with the generous assistance of private individuals. Comprised primarily of original articles of historical research and scholarship, The Freeholder is sent at no charge to members of the Oyster Bay Historical Society as a benefit of membership. To see what's in the current issue of The Freeholder, turn to the Freeholder Preview page. The Contents of past issues and an Index are also available.

The Society is pleased to make available as part of its Internet service, a Sampler of past articles from the The Freeholder. These are original contributions, often by distinguished scholars, representing research and opinion relating to the history of the Town of Oyster Bay. The views expressed in these articles are not those of the Oyster Bay Historical Society, but of the individual authors.

Except as otherwise noted, The Freeholder and its contents, including the articles sampled here, are © Copyright by the Oyster Bay Historical Society. Please contact the Director, Mr. Thomas Kuehhas, in writing, at P.O. Box 297, Oyster Bay, NY 11771-0297, for permission to reproduce these materials by any means and for whatever purpose. As is customary, brief quotations for the purpose of review may be used without prior permission.

Issue Author Title
Summer & Fall 1996 Elliot M. Sayward The Oyster Bay Connection: The First American Newspaper Advertisement Offering Items For Sale
Summer 1997 Lee Myles The Conestoga Wagon: Netherlanders Had a Hand in It
Summer 1997 Edward Magnani "Old Ironsides" Visits Oyster Bay
Fall 1997 John E. Hammond Commodore Swan
Winter & Spring 1998 Judith A. Spinzia Artistry in Glass; The Undisputed Master, Our Oyster Bay Neighbor [Louis Comfort Tiffany]
Spring 1999 Andrew C. Batten Long Island's Loyalists: The Misunderstood Americans
Spring 2003 John E. Hammond The Early Settlement of Oyster Bay
Summer 2004 Claire Bellerjeau The Townsend Jug: Pattern, Portrait and Politics: A Remarkable Piece of Early Swinton Pearlware
Summer 2006 Raymond E. Spinzia Those Other Roosevelts: The Fortescues
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Some back issues are available for sale in our Bookstore. For information about other issues that may be available, contact us by email, by phone at (516) 922-5032, by fax at (516) 922-6892, or by regular mail to P.O. Box 297, Oyster Bay, NY 11771-0297.
Our special THANKS! to
Levon Graphics
who generously prints The Freeholder free of charge. Please patronize our contributors.

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