If you like what you see here and would like to see our website grow and become more useful, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution earmarked for the website. (Click on the Make a Donation button above or send your contribution by mail.) With additional funding, we will be able to move forward on three projects of benefit to the students, scholars, and researchers of the online community:
(1) Some of the fine original photographs now available only to those who visit our research library in person will be made available -- as funds permit -- to anyone who visits our website. (Check our Photo Gallery to see how that effort is proceeding.)
(2) We are at present reviewing the many books in our collection, updating our card catalog and creating an electronic catalog. With new funds, the electronic catalog will be posted online to facilitate bibliographic inquiries.
(3) Our collection includes several unique genealogical and historical documents whose content we plan to share worldwide as funds become available for transcription. (Check our Historical Documents Online section to see that effort in progress.)
As a non-profit institution, the Historical Society depends on the generosity of its sponsors to fund many of its activities such as the expansion of its website. In anticipation of your generosity, we have reserved several locations on the website -- such as the spot at the bottom of our How to Get Here page -- to thank contributing sponsors.
The Historical Society has a number of volunteer opportunities available. Volunteer positions include museum guides, education program volunteers, library researchers and catalogers, computer-literate typists and data processors, and office-equipment operators who can help scan our photographic collection. Rest assured that Director Tom Kuehhas can tailor a volunteer position to your particular interests! Visit The Earle-Wightman House Museum today and see how you can help! To volunteer right now, fill out the membership application and initial the line for Volunteer Members.
The Historical Society is seeking the cameras and equipment used by nineteenth century photographers for a possible future exhibit on early photography on Long Island. We are also looking for information on Oyster Bay and Long Island photographers of the 1850-1900 period, as well as early views of the villages comprising the Town of Oyster Bay. If you have information that might be useful to us, own early cameras or equipment, or have access to early photographs, please contact us. We need your help to make this proposed exhibit possible.
The Oyster Bay Historical Society requests the support of its members and friends in publishing its quarterly magazine, The Freeholder. Society Director Tom Kuehhas says,
"In these days of restricted spending on the part of various governments, it has become increasingly necessary to look to the private sector, and individuals concerned with the preservation of their history, for assistance. With help from our friends, we can offer a bigger and better magazine for our readers."
Please let us know if you would like to help in preparing The Freeholder, by researching and writing columns and articles, typing, proofreading, and editing. We could not offer The Freeholder to our members, area schools, and libraries without your help!
If you operate or administer a website and can hyperlink yours to ours, we'd appreciate the new visitors you can send our way. A text link to our homepage would be great. It would be even better if you could use the ad banner below! If you need help setting up the link (HTML coding, etc.) or if you need a different style banner, please contact our webmaster who'll be glad to help!
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