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The Oyster Bay Historical Society: Preserving Our Past ... Protecting Our Future
BOARD OF TRUSTEES -- Yvonne Cifarelli, Fritz Coudert, Michael J. Hambrook, John E. Hammond, Timothy J. Horgan, John M. Karabatos, Dr. Maureen Monck, Rev. Kenneth Nelson, Susan Peterson-Neuhaus, Warrick C. Robinson, Robert Rose, Edward B. Ryder IV, Barrie Curtis Spies, Stephen Walker, Bradford Warner

HONORARY TRUSTEES --Mrs. Albert E. Amos, Edward F. L. Bruen, Esq., Miss Dorothy Horton McGee, Mrs. Samuel D. Parkinson, Mrs. John H. G. Stuurman

Maureen Monck, Ph.D.
Bradford Warner
1st Vice President
Barrie Curtis Spies
2nd Vice President
Linda Morgan
Ms. Elizabeth Roosevelt
Recording Secretary
Mrs. Robert E. Pittis
Membership Secretary

Louis J. Bruno, Ph.D.
Mrs. Laura S. Dougherty
Frank J. Olt, Jr.
Elliot M. Sayward
Owen B. Walsh, Esq.

Thomas A. Kuehhas

these new members for as little as $35 a year!

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Galgano III, Mark Lane, Ms. Kristine Fumante, Ms. Violet Pesinkowsky, Hobart B. Bauhan, Ms. Mary Lenore Blair, Ms. Ellen Nicoll, Ms. Cate Ludlam, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wojciechowski, Dr. Linda Shookster, Mr. Kenneth Minutoli, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. De Natale, Ms. Eileen Gavigan, Ms. Ann Marie Colton, Mr. & Mrs. John Weeks, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Held, Ed Layton, Kathy Prinz/ Ben Jankowski, Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kowalsky, Mr. & Mrs. Horst E. Buelte, Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Schiff, Dale Turnipseed & Marcos Delgado, Art Koch, Mrs. William D. Johnston, Mark Sielucka, Nancy Metz & George Lindsay, Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Whitman, Ms. Audrey Mac Millan, Dick Wicks, Paul Noonan, Jeffrey V. Horton
Membership Benefits: Quarterly Magazine -- The Freeholder, Members' Party, Invitations to Exhibition Previews and Special Events, Free Admission to Museum and Use of Research Library, Discounts on Publications and Workshops.
Join or Renew Online*: Select a Membership Category below to become an Oyster Bay Historical Society member or to renew your membership online with your major charge card or Paypal. To apply by mail and pay by check, use this application.

$ 35
$ 45
$ 75

$ 250
$ 500

$ 75
Use the button at right to make a contribution in addition to your membership (in multiples of $5.00).
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Online payments require a shipping address. The Society sends The Freeholder, invitations, and announcements by mail. Please provide, too, your telephone number, and tell us whether your employer will make a matching contribution.
*MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express payments to the Oyster Bay Historical Society are processed through PayPal to OBHS advisor Louis J. Bruno and do not require a PayPal account.

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