By-Laws Updated
The Oyster Bay Historical Society: Preserving Our Past ... Protecting Our Future

A number of changes to the Oyster Bay Historical Society's by-laws have been proposed by the Board of Trustees. Please compare the previous version, as last amended in June 2000, with the proposed version, as published in April 2007. [PDF files]

A synopsis of these changes follows. Hard copies of the by-laws, changes, and amendments are also available for viewing at the Society's Earle-Wightman House headquarters, at 20 Summit Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 during regular operating hours.

  1. Article II "Purpose" has been divided into "Mission" and "Responsibilities"

  2. Article III B. regarding expulsion of members has been eliminated

  3. Article IV D., number of Trustees constituting a quorum has been revised

  4. Article V Officers: Offices of President and Secretary cannot be shared; terms of office amended; slight changes to the duties of Officers; Recording Secretary henceforth to be known as Secretary; Office of Membership Coordinator added and that of Corresponding Secretary dropped

  5. Article VI, an Executive Committee has been added to the list of standing committees

  6. Article X the Code of Ethics has been incorporated into the by-laws, rather than appearing as an addendum

  7. Article XII a Gift Acceptance Policy has been added to the by-laws

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