Inquiry Form
The Oyster Bay Historical Society: Preserving Our Past ... Protecting Our Future

Unless your inquiry is extraordinarily private in nature, you should also post it in our message board Forum where interested parties other than the OBHS staff will have an opportunity to respond.

You are welcome to make personal genealogical inquiries by phone (516 922-5032), fax (516 922-6892), email, or by writing to us at P.O. Box 297, Oyster Bay, New York 11771-0297. For the fastest response, please use the form below.

When we get your request, we'll check the following general sources and let you know within 2-3 weeks at no charge whether we think a further search would be fruitful.

   * Oyster Bay Town Records, 1653-1878.
   * Long Island Source Records, Henry B. Hoff, editor. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1987.
   * Documentary History of the Dutch Congregation of Oyster Bay, Henry A. Stoutenburgh, 1900.
   * Cemetery Records.
   * Archival Files.
   * Marmaduke Earle Marriage Records.

If you decide to ask us to look further in our collection, a minimum fee of $45 will apply ($35 for members), which will also entitle you to a one year individual membership in the Oyster Bay Historical Society.

Photocopies supplied at your request either from our basic free search or from an extended search will be charged at 25¢ per page plus $5.00 handling for each mailing. (Sorry, we do not transmit inquiry results electronically or by fax.)


Email address:

How did you find us?

If by search, which engine?

Please give us the details of your inquiry.

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