20/20 Lecture by Michelle Temares<

The long-running Spring 20/20 Lecture Series kicks off on Tuesday March 13 at 7:15 p.m. with Michelle Temares speaking on Uncle Sam Wants You The Untold Story: WWI and WWII Poster Art at the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library, 89 East Main Street, in Oyster Bay.

A member of the Society of Illustrators and the National Art League, Michelle Temares teaches and lectures on fine art at the Planting Fields Arboretum, at the Society of Decorative Painters, and at her own Bella Michelle Studios in Garden City, New York. The author of Painting Floral Botanicals and How to Design Your Own Painting Projects and over 40 illustrated articles, she has been called "a favorite author" by the The New York Times, an "engrossing speaker" by F & W Publications, and a "renowned artist" by the Decorative Artist's Book Club.


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